In order to meet the increasing demand for vaccinations, pop up vaccination clinics are open in key areas of the city.
Anyone over the age of 18 can now get a COVID vaccine and we’re asking employers to encourage their staff to book an appointment via the national booking system or visit one of the local pop up vaccination clinics.
Two new sites have opened in Belle Vue Sports Village and Moss Side.
Belle Vue Sports Village, M12 5GH, 9am – 8pm, Pfizer first dose or second dose.
There is a free shuttle service for this clinic, check out the route.
Moss Side Leisure Centre, M15 5NN, 9am – 8pm, Pfizer first dose or second dose.
Read more and see other pop up sites.
Onsite pop up vaccinations clinics for your staff
Would your business be interested in hosting a pop up vaccination clinic at your business premises for your employees?
Complete this quick survey to let us know.